joyful interpretations of a dreamy, bright world
Featured Work
. 'A Gift For You' . 'Ficus Elastica' . 'Blessings' .

Dusk is my favorite time of day. The clouds are full of deep greens and blues with pops of warm, bright color. I love when the moon is already out and everything is a shade of pastel. It feels like magic and seems like a little gift from God for me and anyone else who's watching.
Each leaf of the variegated ficus elastica is unique. Painting this gave me the opportunity to break down the many colors and patterns that make up each one. It's great practice to look past a "green" leaf and take note of how complicated color really is.
This painting was inspired by the idea of living with great expectations. Expectations that blessings are coming even though we don't know when or exactly what they'll be. The hands signify acceptance and gratitude and the magnolias represent blessings from above.